The Easting Reach Wiki
Ife shform02
Ife shform09a
Ife shform09b
Ife shform09c
Ife shform09d

Type of Feat: Class.

Prerequisite: Shifter.

Specifics: This grants the ability to take on the forms of the following creatures

  • I Vegepygmy
  • II Strangle Vine
  • III Flameweed
  • IV Shambling Mound

Use: Selected.


  • The Vegepygmy has resistance to piercing attacks (50%) and immunity to sneak attacks and mind spells. It wields a club.
  • The Strangle Vine has resistance to blunt attacks (50%) and vulnerability to fire (50%). It is immune to sneak attacks and mind spells. It has Sneak Attack I and its strikes can entangle.
  • The Flameweed has resistance to electrical damage (50%) and immunity to fire, sneak attacks and mind spells. Its attacks deal fire damage and have vampiric regeneration 4.
  • The Shambling Mound has resistance to electricity (50%) and cold (50%) and immunity to fire, sneak attacks and mind spells. It gains a bonus to Stealth (+10) and its attacks can entangle.