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Ir spiritcall

The Spirit Caller is highly attuned to the supernatural, seeing what others prefer to ignore. A Spirit Caller can communicate with the spirits of animals, people and even the land itself. By bargaining with these spirits, they develop both protective and terrifying powers.





Lvl BAB Saves Feats HP range
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Call Spirit, Spirit Guide 6±CON Modifier
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Call Spirit Horde, Call Spirit Warrior, Dismissal 12±CON Modifier
3rd +2 +1 +1 +3 Exorcism, Bonus Feat 18±CON Modifier
4th +3 +1 +1 +4 Gatekeeper, Bonus Feat 24±CON Modifier

Not Accessible

Lvl BAB Saves Feats HP range
Fort Ref Will
5th +3 +1 +1 +4 Spirit Ward, Bonus Feat 30±CON Modifier
6th +4 +2 +2 +5 Recall Spirit, Bonus Feat 36±CON Modifier


  • Call Spirit - Summon a single spirit to fight beside the Spirit Caller for a long time.
  • Call Spirit Horde - Summon a group of spirits to fight beside the Spirit Caller.
  • Call Spirit Warrior - Summon a single strong spirit to fight beside the Spirit Caller.
  • Spirit Guide - The Spirit Caller gains a bonus to Concentration, Perception and Sense Motive once/day.
  • Dismissal - Unsummons spirits from the Spirit Horde.
  • Exorcism - 2x/day, a single creature becomes immune to Death Magic.
  • Gatekeeper - The Spirit Caller is immune to Fear.
  • Spirit Ward - The Spirit Caller projects an aura of Negative Energy Protection vs Undead.
  • Recall Spirit - The Spirit Caller restores a body to life.

Spirit Caller Bonus Feat list:

  • Guardian Spirit - The Spirit Caller gains +1 AC per level vs Undead.
  • Greater Spirit Guide - The Spirit Caller can reroll failed Will saves.
  • Lift Spirits - A single creature rallies and gains +4 to saving throws vs Fear.
  • Wail of the Fallen - The Spirit Caller unleashes a howl of Fear.
  • Chill of the Grave - The Spirit Caller projects an aura of Frost (requires 4 levels of the Spirit Caller PrC).
  • Feed Spirits - The Spirit Caller heals undead with a burst of Negative Energy (requires 4 levels of the Spirit Caller PrC).
  • Reveal Spirits - The Spirit Caller strips undead of Concealment, also lowering their resistance to Spells, Turning and Physical damage (requires 4 levels of the Spirit Caller PrC).
  • Spirit Form - The Spirit Caller gains 50% Concealment and DR 10/+2, as well as a 75% Miss Chance (requires 5 levels of the Spirit Caller PrC).
  • Spirit Blessing - The Spirit Caller gains a chance to be restored to full health upon falling below 1 HP (requires 5 levels of the Spirit Caller PrC).

Class Route to Prestige[]

This assumes the character has only a single class to meet the requirements and is non-human before taking the prestige class (PrC). Human characters will have greater flexibility in regards to feat progression due to the extra feat granted at character creation by their racial bonus, Quick to Master. Some class routes to prestige may also favour multi-classing in order to more effectively meet pre-requisites or to better synergise the character's skill set to suit the PrC, however caution is advised as most PrCs have strict skill requirements and the wrong combination of classes (due to cross-classing of skills) may result in further delaying and reducing the levels of a prestige class obtainable or render it entirely unobtainable for the character.

Base Class Minimum Base Class Level Maximum Prestige Class Level Concentration Sense Motive Alertness
Bard 4th Level 4th Level 4th Level 1st Level 1st or 3rd Level
Druid 4th Level 4th Level 4th Level 1st Level 1st or 3rd Level
Paladin 4th Level 4th Level 4th Level 1st Level 1st or 3rd Level
Priest 4th Level 4th Level 4th Level 1st Level 1st or 3rd Level
Sorcerer 5th Level 3rd Level 4th Level 5th Level 1st or 3rd Level
Wizard 5th Level 3rd Level 4th Level 5th Level 1st or 3rd Level


All prestige classes require a PC to met the real (unmodified) rank of a skill, refer to Skills for clarification, in order to progress into the prestige class.

Base Classes BarbarianBardCivilianDruidFighterMonkPaladinPriestRangerRogueSorcererWizard
Prestige Classes Arcane ArcherAssassinBlackguardBreach GuardDaemonbinderHarper ScoutHigh MagePale MasterShadowdancerShifterSkincarverSpirit CallerSword LeaderTriadic KnightWeapon MasterWild ShotWitch Hunter